Me and Bry tried to climbing Cascade on Saturday. We went with Wyatt and Mark Warner. At 6:30 we started climbing, Wyatt and I had Crampons but Mark and Bry didn't. luckily we all had Ice axes. After climbing for 6 hours we decided to turn around because we hadn't got any yard work done that day. Then after many self arrests, a very odd way of descending (Witch you can see in the video)and a big fall, we were down. It took eight hours and we got banged up but it was still fun.
Gary--you're totally hardcore! If I told the young men in my ward our here what you're doing they probably wouldn't believe me. I way jealous. Maybe we can get a good hike in in June? Maybe Timp? We'll have to talk about this. Keep the posts coming!
You most awesome uncle ever,
That is some sweet footage.. You guys are AWESOME! Keep the posts comin Gar! We miss seeing what you guys are up to!!!
Okay, I'm definately impressed!! I think we may have found someone who'll climb the Grand (Teton) with me. You guys are amazing!! Love to share in the adventures.
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