One minute he's doing this:

And then he's heading to the ER with a hip looking like this:
Here's the whole story, in his own words, on pain meds:
"I was going on the last long ride before Leadville. Wait, I don't know if I can do this, I'm kinda out of it. What have you got written so far? (cough attack) Well, I had split off from the group and was being... a smarter older-man by turning around a little early ..... (slight pause for passing of gas).
"I choose to descend a trail that's been one of my favorites, but it it was way overgrown so I couldn't pick the trial very well. And it's been really dry so it was a little sketchy and loose. The trail veers left about 200 feet before the road.
"I was turning around the corner and my tires were too pumped up. I was going along the outside edge of the turn and it was so rocky that it just vibrated me off the trail. I started tumbling down the hill. It's wasn't a big fall. But I landed on a on a rock on the burm below. All the impact was right on my left hip.
"I started gettin tunnel vision pretty quickly. And I think I started to pass out. I tried to grab my bike but was in so much pain. I got to my knees and tried to gain composure. I grabbed my phone and called Cheri saying I was hurt and that I'd call her when I knew where I was. (Nice Dad) It took me 45 minutes to go 130 feet. It hurt so bad. (And he kept blacking out.)
"When I got to the road and called Cheri saying at meet me at the road entrance. Then I used my bike like a crutch to get back. I was going so slow and just shaking. I made it to the park and stopped right next to a car, well I ran into it. Then I tried to get off the bike and Cheri came and took me straight to the hospital.
"I called this guy at the hospital and they got me right in. And they gave me some morphine.... it felt so good. Incredible. That is seriously the celestial kingdom. I was like, am I floating?
(They asked him to rate his pain on the 1-10 scale, Cheri just kept telling him to say 8, say 8! If you haven't seen the Brian Regan about ERs, you should. Check it out
"So they took the x-rays and stuff and then I got a CAT scan. I broke the top part of my femur bone. The doctors didn't want to do anything cuz it's kinda rare. So now we're waiting to see what they say (on Monday)."

Dad's spot for the next few weeks, according to the doctors . . . or a few days, according to Dad.

Nothing like a little Diet Coke and Dove Darks to ease the pain.

Check out this contraption that Garrett rigged up to help pull his knee and keep his leg from
Ouch Dad! Glad you're okay though!